One way to connect humans on an increasingly bot-authored, market-centric Internet is to take inspiration from older web practices.

This image depicts an image of page linking to a web-ring, which is a page that collects similar types of websites, allowing visitors to go from one website to another by clicking “next” or “previous” buttons usually at the top or the bottom of the collection page.

Human-made website collections of human-made websites not only increases the visibility of the latter, but can also function as an intimate calling card, revealing to visitors a collector’s interests. It can help the website authors network among themselves and possibly even exchange services, barter-style. It can function as a personalized, personally-owned, trusted community island on the Internet of anti-human interest.

Further resources on web-ring type ideas, inspired by the so-called small or cozy web, can be found here.

Shared By: Greta
Source: Ray Thomas via Parimal Satyal at
Image Alt Text: An example of a webring (about European History) from Rays Miscellany via It shows a highly-pixellated image of a castle on the left, and on the right it says: This European History Site is owned by Ray Thomas. If you would like to join this ring Click Here. At the bottom of this image are page navigation buttons titled: Prev 5, Prev, Next, Random, Next 5, and List.